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About Us


'17 He came and preached peace to you who were far away and peace to those who were near. 18 For through him we both have access to the Father by one Spirit.  19 Consequently, you are no longer foreigners and strangers, but fellow citizens with God’s people and also members of his household'


'22 And in him you too are being built together to become a dwelling in which God lives by his Spirit.'

Ephesians 4


We love the rich heritage we have been brought into through Jesus Christ.  But we long to see His church complete with people from 'every tribe and language and people and nation', united in worship and mission, and overflowing with the

love and presence of God.  We exist to become the church God dwells in by His Spirit, present with His people, and empowering us

in the mission He has called us to in the world.


We believe in the same core beliefs early church fathers stated in the Nicene Creed, and we hold the 66 books of the Bible, both the Tanakh and the New Testament as the inspired words of God and source and definition of truth.


Our structure is made up of Overseers who oversee, leaders who lead, and members on mission through prayer and service.


Our logo has in the heart of it, a pikorua: a Maori symbol representing the twisting together of two paths, or two people, in an eternal bond.  This symbol reminds us that we belong to an eternal legacy where God has been bringing together generations and people from different paths through His Son, Jesus Christ.  We seek to continue and pass on this legacy of kotahitanga - unity, in all we do.


Our services are contemporary, informal, powerful and welcoming to anyone, from any background, who want's to hear about God, or get to know Him personally.

We believe our times of worship together shouldn't just be a religious exercise but a real encounter of God, by His Spirit.  God loves to be known by His creation, and in that ongoing experience of relationship with Him, we are transformed.  We invite you to seek God alongside us, and enjoy the blessing and peace found in the community of His "household".  You don't need a religious background, or any particular kind of dress code or moral perfection.  Come as you are and experience God as He is.  And you'll also discover a great mix of people to belong to where you don't feel like "foreigners and strangers, but fellow citizens" and "members" of God's eternal family.


As well as church services and community and youth programmes, our church has small groups, prayer gatherings, Bible teaching groups, and events. Our Sunday morning service begins at 10am and includes programmes for children ages 1 to Year 8.


Our mission is:   

'To be a community of worshipping disciples, overflowing with the love and presence of God; serving and transforming lives, communities and generations, with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.'

Ps. Nigel Ripley
Ps. Mana Ripley
Jacinta Gomez

Lead Youth Worker & Administrator

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Lara Cook
Ps. Amber Tucker

Youth & Children's Director

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Rose Barker

Phone: 03 383 4895




Address: 52-58 Bassett Street, 

Burwood, Christchurch

How to Donate:

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